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Boeing Selects RTX for X-66A NASA Collaboration
Airborne-NextGen 08.22.23: MD-90 Becomes X-66A, BWB Prototype, Drone Search
NASA's X-66A! 'Transonic Truss-braced Wing' aircraft tested in wind tunnels
NASA unveils the X-66A, a revolutionary plane aimed at saving the Earth and transforming flight.
Boeing/NASA X-66A ferry flight
737 KILLER? - Boeing’s Upcoming X-66A
Boeing X-66A MD-90 NASA Sustainable Flight Demonstrator Plane (2023) Flight
NASA X - Environmentally Responsible Aviation
NASA: Future of Flight: Introducing the Transonic Truss Braced Wing (TTBW) Aircraft #NASA #viral
AESP 265 Transonic Truss Braced Wing Design
Collins Aerospace opens state-of-the-art testing lab
AGILE FlightGear - Strut-Braced Wing